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Udyog Sakhi is a platform that provides complete guidance to the Individual Beneficiary right from the selection of the business to the sale of the products and services. The word Sakhi in Marathi literally means a female friend. Udyog Sakhi acting like a friend to the women entrepreneur by enabling them to become successful entrepreneurs. Udyog Sakhi is established in the year 2023 by Mrs. Anupama Mahesh Kolse and Mr. Indrajit Paltan Suryawanshi to achieve women's empowerment by supporting and guiding the Individual Beneficiaries from both rural and urban areas.It has been 75 years since India became an independent and progressive nation, but still, many people, especially women, live in utter destitution, ignorance, illiteracy, and unimaginable suffering. Udyog Sakhi is providing a platform for such women to become Self-dependent through the medium of Individual Beneficiary. Udyog Sakhi helps Individual Beneficiary in business selection, in taking the benefits of government schemes for the growth of the business, business setup, bank loans, branding of non-branded products, sales, etc.We aim to create opportunities for employment through the medium of Individual Beneficiaries, and this can be achieved by collecting non-branded products from the different Individual Beneficiaries under one roof and selling them under a single brand.
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